Wednesday, April 17, 2019

To Thelma Macrae from Bessie: Happy Easter from Up Here, 1908

[Postmarked] Kingston, Ont., April 17 1908, 8 PM

[To] Miss Thelma Macrae,
        33 First Avenue

Dear Thelma,

How are you and all the other little girls down there. Are you coming up this summer.
                                                               with love,

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Cutest PC Ever, to Gladys Callaway, Buckingham, ENG, ca. 1903

[On front of postcard]:  Can you hear the pussies snoring? J. E. Sayer

[No postmark or stamp]

Miss Gladys Callaway
5, Brackley Rd.

[Normally I don't comment on the postcards I present on this blog, but this one was so definite I had to give some additional information. Gladys, according to the 1901 England Census, was likely the daughter of William and Elizabeth Callaway. The family lived at the above address at the time of the census. I would date this postcard to somewhere around 1903.  You will notice that the back is undivided, and the words "Post Card - Great Britain & Ireland. The address only to be written on this side" was the usual phrasing of Blum and Degan Postcards so it may be one of theirs.

“1901 England Census,” database, ( : accessed 23 apr 2019), entry for Gladys Callaway (age 6) in household of William Callaway, citing PRO RG13; Piece: 1366; Folio: 28; Page: 7;  Buckingham registration district, Buckingham subdistrict, ED 11, schedule line number 49.]

Saturday, April 13, 2019

May Wagg's Easter Wishes to Lizzie Elliott, 1908, Victoria BC

[Postmarked] Victoria, B.C. April 10, 1908

[To] Miss Lizzie Elliott
        26 Wallnut St.
        Springe Ridge

Dear Lizzie

Received your P C with thanks.

May Wagg.

[in upper left corner] Ans. soon


Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Butterflies and Hearty Easter Wishes to Make Us Both Happy, Ottawa, Ontario, 1926

[Postmarked] Landsdowne, Ont Ap 3 26

[To] Miss Thelma McRae
        Ottawa  Ont
        47 First Avenue

From Ila McRae