Monday, June 24, 2024

Just the Date, to Mrs. Mabel Potts, Lodi, New York, 1915


[Postmarked] Montour Falls, N.Y., June 24, 1915, 6 PM

[To] Mrs. Mabel Potts,

        Lodi, Seneca Co,


June 25, 1915

[From ??] 



Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Newton Gross, from Aunt Georgia; Concord, Mass; 1911


[Postmarked] Winter Hill, Mass. Jun 5, 1911. 12-30 P

[To] Mrs. Newton Gross

        Concord Mass.

"Hope you got home all right. Ada goes to R.I. today.


Aunt Georgia"