[To] Mrs. Martha J. Parker 488 Main Street So. Groveland, Mass
Best New Year greetings to you my friend. I trust this may find you well and all within your household. Sincerely, Mrs. Marshall 315 E. High St. Manchester, NH
[Postmarked] Dec 23, 1911 N.Y. [Town too light to read]
[To] Mrs. Mary Oltz Ithaca, NY R.F. D #5
Dear Mary: Rec'd your card all O.K. Where are you living now? don't think I can come now until spring as I have been to Breesport for two weeks and can not afford to travel anymore. Send you 2 cards while I was in Breesport but don't think you rec'd it. I sent it to R. F. #6. Merry Christmas to You Both. Hattie.
[To] Mrs. Henry Gund 234 So. 27th Lincoln, Nebraska
Sept. 10th - 11
Thank you very much for the great trouble you have taken in sending the sweater pattern. The directions are very plain &if I have time I will make it. Gertrude & I were at Elmas for 3 days last week. They had the Burning of Rome & other things in the Stadium. it was grand 60,000 there the first night. The next it rained & only 15000 went. I hope you found all well at Fred's. And so M is going to teach. Well well! We had rain yesterday. France went to Alaska for her vacation. Had a fine time. Ethel, Doris & Kathryn went to Switzerland Aug 11 -having a grand time. Love to all. M.M.
[To] Mr. Arthur Glow Salamanca, N.Y. R.F.D.1 Box 71
S.W.A.K. Dear Brother: I surpose you are going to school as usual. What do you do when you get home. it is snowing here today. Ans. soon. Best Love from Ed. Ang & Arthur [?]